What is Swarvigyan| The Real Truth 2024.

What is Swarvigyan

Brief overview of the concept of Swarvigyan

What is Swarvigyan First of all, I’ll discuss Swar. It’s essentially our breath. The entire concept of Swarvigyan revolves around breath. You could consider it a gift from God, as it possesses various magical powers that can significantly benefit you and help you achieve your desires, whether it’s better relationships, careers, or health. All these things can come into your life through Swarvigyan. So, without wasting time, let’s begin.”

But many people have doubt how can i use swarvigyan so next point is for you.

How to use Swarvigyan:

“Before trying Swarvigyan, it’s important to understand your nose. Your nose has two nostrils: the right one is called Pingala Nadi and the left one is Ida Nadi. Among the various Nadis in our body, these two are crucial for achieving your goals. However, let’s break down the process in a simple way.

First, place your hands near your nose. Inhale and exhale. If the air flows through your right nostril (Pingala Nadi), you should primarily use your right hand for most tasks. If Pingala Nadi is active, start your day by putting your right leg down first, wearing your shirt from the right side, and performing other small actions with your right hand. Try this for a week and observe the changes in your life.

If your left nostril (Ida Nadi) is active, perform most tasks with your left hand for similar benefits.

Many people have both nostrils inactive or breathe through their mouths. During these times, it’s advisable to avoid starting new tasks and wait until your nostrils open.

If you also want to attract specific person in your life than must check it out this post How to manifest specific person

What is Swarvigyan
What is Swarvigyan

Pingla Nadi active what work you should do:

While you might still achieve results, avoiding activities associated with Ida Nadi can lead to more significant benefits.

  • Physical Actions: Instead of engaging in physical activities, focus on more introspective and intuitive pursuits.
  • Creative Works: Avoid creative endeavors that require intense focus or external stimulation.
  • Leadership Works: While leadership responsibilities can be challenging, try to delegate tasks and avoid taking on excessive burdens.
  • Remember, the key is to find a balance that aligns with your natural energy patterns.”

Ida Nadi active what work you should do:

  • Investment: When your ida nadi active do it is the great time to invest anything it is stock,mutual fund, buy a home in short in which thing you invest you get return on that investment.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: Practices that promote introspection and connection with the inner self, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling, can be beneficial.
  • Compassionate work: Jobs or volunteer work that involve helping others or contributing to social causes can align with the compassionate nature associated with Ida Nadi.
What is Swarvigyan
What is Swarvigyan

What are the days of Ida Nadi and Pingla Nadi 

Here are the particular days of Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi. If you work according to your Nadi, it is far more effective than on your normal days.

Pingala Nadi Days:

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Saturday

Ida Nadi Days:

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Sunday”

Affirmations in Swarvigyan:

Affirmations in Swarvigyan, a system of self-healing and spiritual development rooted in Indian philosophy, are a powerful tool for positive transformation. THere are some key steps to incorporate affirmations into your Swarvigyan practice:

  1. Choose Your Affirmation: Select a statement that aligns with your desired outcome. It should be positive, present-tense, and personal. For example, “I am healthy, happy, and full of vitality.”
  2. Understand the Swar: Each affirmation can be paired with a specific swar (musical note) to enhance its vibrational resonance. Research or consult with a Swarvigyan practitioner to find the appropriate swar for your affirmation.
  3. Create a Sacred Space: Establish a quiet, peaceful environment where you can focus without distractions.
  4. Prepare Your Body and Mind: Relax your body and calm your mind through deep breathing or meditation.
  5. Repeat the Affirmation: Chant or speak your affirmation aloud, coupling it with the chosen swar. Repeat the affirmation several times, visualizing the desired outcome.
  6. Feel the Vibration: Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you chant. Notice any changes in energy or emotions.
  7. Practice Regularly: For best results, incorporate affirmations into your daily routine. Consistency is key.
What is Swarvigyan
What is Swarvigyan


In the end, I just want to share that you should do this on a regular basis. Don’t skip a single day if you want great results. You must follow all these things that I’ve shared with you. Also, for more details, you must watch this video. So, we’ll meet next time. Goodbye!

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