Top 13 Sadhguru Books Everyone must read

Sadhguru Books

Sadhguru’s books cover a wide range of topics, including spirituality, life, and the world.

Sadhguru Books on spirituality and Reviews

Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy

1. Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy (2016)

In this sadhguru book The importance of inner engineering: Sadhguru argues that the only way to truly transform our lives is to change ourselves from within. He explains that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all created by our inner energy system, and that by changing this system, we can change our lives.

Karma book

2. Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny (2021)

In this sadhguru book The definition of karma: Sadhguru explains that karma is not about punishment or reward, but about the law of cause and effect. He explains that every action we take has a consequence, and that these consequences will come back to us in some way. The different types of karma: Sadhguru explains that there are three types of karma: sanchita karma, prarabdha karma, and agami karma. Sanchita karma is the accumulated karma from our past lives. Prarabdha karma is the karma that is currently influencing our lives. Agami karma is the karma that we are creating in the present moment.

Sadhguru Books on Life and Reviews


3. Death: An Inside Story (2022)

Death is not the end. Sadhguru explains that death is not the end of our existence, but simply a transition from one state of being to another. He says that death is a natural part of life, and that it is something that we should not fear. In this sadhguru book We are more than our bodies. Sadhguru explains that we are not just our bodies, but also our minds, our emotions, and our spirit. He says that when we die, our body will die, but our mind, our emotions, and our spirit will continue to exist.

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga

4. Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga (2020)

The origins of yoga: Sadhguru explains that yoga is not a religion, but a science of transformation that has been practiced for thousands of years. He says that yoga originated in the Himalayan mountains, and that it was founded by the sage Patanjali. In this sadhguru book The life of Patanjali: Sadhguru tells the story of Patanjali's life, and how he came to be known as the "Adiyogi," or the first yogi. He explains that Patanjali was a brilliant scholar and a master of yoga, and that he transmitted the science of yoga to his seven disciples.

Sadhguru Books on Love and Reviews

Emotion & Relationships

5. Emotion and Relationships (2022)

In this sadhguru book The nature of emotions: Sadhguru explains that emotions are not just random events, but that they are created by our thoughts, words, and actions. He says that our emotions are a reflection of our inner state, and that they can be used to either improve or deteriorate our relationships. The different types of emotions: Sadhguru explains that there are many different types of emotions, but that they can be broadly categorized into two types: positive emotions and negative emotions. He says that positive emotions, such as love, joy, and compassion, are essential for creating healthy relationships. Negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and hatred, can be destructive to relationships.

Mystic's Musings

6. Mystic's Musings

The importance of introspection: Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of introspection, or looking within ourselves to understand who we are and what we want. He says that by looking within, we can start to understand our own thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This can help us to make better decisions and to live more fulfilling lives. In this sadhguru book The power of the mind: Sadhguru explains that the mind is a powerful tool that can be used to create our reality. He says that our thoughts are not just random events, but that they have a profound impact on our lives. By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives.

Sadhguru Books for self-help and Reviews

Himalayan Lust

7. Himalayan Lust (2004)

The Himalayas are a place of great spiritual power: Sadhguru explains that the Himalayas are a place of great spiritual power, and that they have been a pilgrimage destination for thousands of years. He says that the mountains are a source of inspiration and transformation, and that they can help us to connect with our inner selves. In this sadhguru book The journey to the Himalayas is a metaphor for the journey of self-discovery: Sadhguru says that the journey to the Himalayas is a metaphor for the journey of self-discovery. He says that the mountains represent the challenges that we face in life, and that the journey to the top represents the process of overcoming these challenges.

Mind is your Business and Body the Greatest Gadget

8. Mind Is Your Business (2012)

The nature of the mind: Sadhguru explains that the mind is not a single entity, but a complex system of thoughts, emotions, and sensations. He says that the mind is constantly creating our reality, and that by understanding how the mind works, we can start to use it to our advantage. In this sadhguru book The importance of awareness: Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of awareness, or the ability to observe the mind without judgment. He says that by becoming more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations, we can start to take control of our mind and use it to create a more fulfilling life.

Sadhguru Books on Nature and Reviews

Midnights with the Mystic: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

9. Midnights with the Mystic: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

In this sadhguru book Constructed around a series of late night conversations around a camp fire between Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Vasudev on an Island in the middle of a Western North Carolina lake near her mountain home, "Midnights with the Mystic" is the most thorough exposition of the teachings of India's most sought after mystic.

Flowers on the Path

10. Flowers on the Path

The book is a collection of Sadhguru's insights on a variety of topics: The book is a collection of Sadhguru's insights on a variety of topics, including spirituality, life, and the world. Sadhguru shares his thoughts on topics such as love, relationships, death, and the meaning of life. In this sadhguru book The book is a thought-provoking and inspiring read: The book is a thought-provoking and inspiring read. Sadhguru's insights are challenging and thought-provoking, but they are also grounded in his own experiences and wisdom.

Sadhguru Books for Learning and Reviews

Don't Polish Your Ignorance It May Shine

11. Don’t Polish Your Ignorance ...It May Shine

In this sadhguru book The saying "Don't Polish Your Ignorance ... It May Shine" is a reminder that we should not be afraid to admit when we do not know something. In fact, it is often better to admit our ignorance than to pretend that we know something when we do not. This is because when we pretend to know something, we are not only deceiving ourselves, but we are also preventing ourselves from learning.

Life and Death in One Breath

12. Life and Death in One Breath

Life is a journey, not a destination. Sadhguru explains that life is not about reaching a certain point, but about the journey itself. He says that we should enjoy the ride and learn from the experiences along the way. Death is a natural part of life. Sadhguru explains that death is not something to be feared, but something to be accepted. He says that death is simply a transition from one state of being to another. We should live each moment to the fullest. In this sadhguru book Sadhguru says that we should not waste time worrying about the past or the future. He says that we should focus on the present moment and enjoy every moment of life.

Eternal Echoes: The Sacred Sounds Through the Mystic

13. Eternal Echoes: The Sacred Sounds Through the Mystic

The power of sound. Sadhguru explains that sound is a powerful force that can be used to create and transform our lives. He says that sound can be used to heal, to connect with our inner selves, and to experience a deeper level of consciousness. In this sadhguru book The importance of silence. Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of silence, or the absence of sound. He says that silence is essential for inner peace and for connecting with our true selves. He says that we should all make time for silence in our lives.

How Jagadish Vasudev become Sadhguru
Watch Sadhguru Biographies


In what order should I read Sadhguru books?
  • Karma. Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny is a 2021 book by Sadhguru.
  • Death; An Inside Story. 
  • Emotion and Relationships. 
  • Adiyogi. 
  • Inner Engineering. 
  • Mind is your Business/Body the Greatest Gadget (2 Books in 1) 
  • Three Truths of Well-Being. 
  • A Tree Can Save The World.

Sadhguru does write his own books, but he often collaborates with other writers. For example, his book Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy was co-written with Arundhathi Subramaniam. Subramaniam is a journalist and author who has written extensively on spirituality and yoga. She helped Sadhguru to organize his thoughts and ideas, and to put them into a clear and concise format.

After his schooling at Demonstration School, Mysore and Mahajana Pre-University College, Vasudev graduated from the University of Mysore with a bachelor’s degree in English, despite a spotty attendance record and an irreverent attitude to tuition.

Sadhguru makes money from his Isha Foundation, which is a non-profit organization with a large following. The foundation receives donations from people all over the world, and it also sells products and services. Sadhguru’s foundation is registered in the United States, even though it has an Indian name.

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